Obstetrics & Gynecology Area of Concentration.

Overlook Family Medicine residents may choose an obstetrics and gynecology area of concentration.

The two-year experience supplements the regular family medicine residency curriculum. The area of concentration mainly consists of participation in additional hours in obstetrics and gynecology and the family medicine schedule is adjusted to accommodate the resident's interest in gaining experience in performing gynecologic procedures and prenatal care for low risk obstetrical patients. The track is coordinated and the resident supervised by the family coordinator for obstetrics and gynecology and the ob/gyn health start clinic director.

In the obstetrics and gynecology area of concentration the resident will:

  •  While under the supervision of the gynecology attending - and in collaboration with ob/gyn residents at Overlook Medical Center - obtain additional experience in gynecological procedures such as
    • IUD insertion
    • colposcopy
    • endometrial biopsy
    • hysteroscopy
    • LEEP
  • Understand and be able to list the indications and contraindications for the procedures listed above
  • Be competent to perform IUD insertion and removal, colposcopy, and endometrial biopsy;
  • Gain knowledge of outpatient ob/gyn ultrasound for pregnancy dating and miscarriage management
  • Become competent in the medical management of miscarriages
  • Know the indications for vulvar biopsy, bartholin cyst management, and uterine aspiration
  • Be able to manage low risk obstetrical patients and identify patients who develop high risk medical conditions;
  • Obtain competency in fetal heart monitoring, indications for instrumental delivery and the need for Cesarean section;
  • Be introduced to management of high risk obstetric patients, including: gestational diabetes mellitus, hypertension in pregnancy, adolescents and psychiatric disorders.

For residents who are not interested in additional experience in obstetrics, a gynecology-only pathway may be chosen. In the gyn-only track, the resident will:

  • While under the supervision of the gynecologist attending - and in collaboration with the ob/gyn residents at Overlook Medical Center - obtain additional experience in the following gynecological procedures: 
    • IUD insertion
    • colposcopy
    • endometrial biopsy
    • hysteroscopy
    • LEEP
  • Understand and be able to list the indications and contraindications for the gynecology procedures listed above
  • Be competent in IUD insertion/removal, colposcopy and endometrial biopsy
  • Gain knowledge of outpatient OB-GYN ultrasound for pregnancy dating and miscarriage management
  • Become competent in the medical and expectant management of miscarriages
  • Know the indications for vulvar biopsy, bartholin cyst management, and uterine aspiration for miscarriage management.