Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy

Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy (OMT) is taught through regular precepting of patient office visits and via monthly teaching conferences and clinics held all three years. These conferences combine a series of didactic lectures covering principles of osteopathic medicine with supervised skills practice.

Our curriculum, based on the Osteopathic Post-Doctoral Training Institution - (OPTIK) Core Curriculum, covers:

  • Abdominal and Visceral diagnosis and treatment
  • Cervical spine diagnosis and treatment
  • Cranial/OA/ENT diagnosis and treatment
  • Evidence-based osteopathic treatment
  • Extremities diagnosis and treatment
  • Incorporation of OMT into busy family practice
  • Lumbar spine diagnosis and treatment
  • Lymphatic system treatment
  • Musculoskeletal injury and treatment
  • Pelvis diagnosis and treatment
  • Sacral spine diagnosis and treatment
  • Thoracic spine diagnosis and treatment
  • Treating the hospitalized patient 

Conference and clinic participation is required of all osteopathic residents. Overlook Family Medicine osteopathic and OMT learning activities are also open to other osteopathic residents at Overlook Medical Center and offered to non-osteopathic residents of the program. Instruction is primarily provided by the director of the osteopathic program.